Sunday 21 April 2019

Happy Easter!

The Cottontail family ran out of paints for egg decorating, so they asked if they could use my paints instead.

Primrose got straight down to business painting her egg.

Meanwhile, Sorrel spent a long while surveying the selection of paints. She was quite good at art back in school, and it’s all coming back to her.

Being the owner of the Village Flower Stall, along with her husband, she has plenty of inspiration from nature.

She’s quite pleased with the finished result. “I’ve forgotten how peaceful art really is,” she said to me, “I shall have to do some drawing at home.”

It seems baby Chive has gone with a more ‘abstract’ approach.

Parsley, being the typical big brother, started chasing Chive with a paintbrush. “I’m going to paint you up!” This went on for a short time until Sorrel put a stop to it when tears began to be shed.

Then Basil arrived wheeling the biggest egg the children has ever seen.
“Wow, Dad! It’s huge! Where did you find it?”

“Careful Parsley! You’ll roll it off the table!” Basil warned. With much exertion they rolled it over to beside the paints to begin decorating.

“This is going to be our biggest, best, prettiest egg yet!”

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. This is very cute, Kelsie! I'm glad the Cottontails had fun with their decorating. Sorrel's egg is very pretty. I like the pictures of the family with the mysteriously enormous egg! :)

    1. Thanks GreyRabbit! Sorrel actually suprised us all with her art skills! She's very happy you liked it! The family was in awe over the big egg-'What sort of animal could have laid an egg that big?'
      Thanks again!

  2. Happy belated Easter, Kelsie! What a delightful post, hehe! It sure sounded like the Cottontails had fun painting the eggs. Such a cute family! Love Parlsey chasing after Chive, hehe, poor thing. :)
    Did they finish painting the huge egg? I want to see it! :D

    1. Thank you very much Ayrell! The Cottontails had a very enjoyable time! They are very sweet-probably one of my favourite families. Unfortunately, Parsley took advantage of the paintbrushes and used them to torment poor Chive! Wonder where I got that inspiration from-surely not my own older brother!;)
      They did eventually finish painting the egg, but it was far too big for them to carry home or store in their house, so I had to store it for them in the fridge!
      I hope you had a wonderful Easter also!

  3. Aw, Kelsie. What a happy post! I've been neglecting my watercolour painting for some months now - maybe my Sylvanians are partly to blame, but they are forgiven!

    Lovely photographs of your Cottontails that highlight the season. Chasing your sibling with a paintbrush can be fun, but maybe Chive is a touch young to enjoy this. In a few years maybe he will be wielding the brush... Chive is a great name, by the way!

    1. Thanks for your comment Jackson! I'm glad you enjoyed the post! I found it alot of fun to photograph!
      I named the male Cottontails after herbs-basil, parsley and chive. I just realised that in previous posts and on the villagers page, Chive was meant to be the older brother and Parsley the baby! Whoops, I got them mixed around! I'll have to remeber that next time! :|
      How interesting to know you do watercolour painting too! Mine's not up to much, and I hardly can spare the time to do it, but I do enjoy it! Sometimes life gets in the way!
      Thanks again!

  4. Hi Kelsie!
    What a lovely post! I love the mini Easter eggs.
    It must have been hard to paint them. They´re so small!They turned out really well, I especially like Sorrel´s egg.It is so detailed with those tiny flowers she painted.
    Basil made me smile when he arrived with suh a big egg! haha!

    The last pictures is lovely. The Cottontails are adorable and the perfect family to feature this post.

    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you very much for your comment Cutata! This post was alot of fun to make and I (the Cottontails) actually enjoyed painting the little eggs. I actually used felt pens to decorate Sorrel's egg, as painting it would have been beyond my capabilities!
      I love the Cottontails alot and I thought they would be the perfect fit for this post! Thanks again!
