Sunday, 8 December 2024

Peppermint's Photo Diary

Hi friends. I hope you are well. This post today comes from Peppermint Periwinkle's latest (and so far only) adventure.
A few weeks ago I went away with my dad to visit my grandma. Naturally, Peppermint came too.
Actually, I'm usually very cautious when taking my Sylvanians out and about, afraid of them getting lost and dirty. But this trip came at a bit of tough time, as I had just lost my beloved bunny, Bramble. He was with me for 9 years and died very suddenly, but having Peppermint along on the trip gave me comfort, especially because she's a bunny too. Isn't it funny how much these little figures can help us?
I wasn't sure if I would share that, but it made me happy each time I got Peppermint out and posed her, and now I want to share that with you. 
So here is Peppermint's photo diary of the trip, with captions: 

People watching at the petrol station on the way. 

We took photos in front of some broom bushes.

A moody sky at our lunch spot known as the Desert Road.

We investigated a pretty rose tumbling over the fence.

Here is Peppermint at Grandma's house. 

Evenings brought soft sunsets over country lanes. 
The next day, we went for a drive out to the coast and saw some spectacular scenery. 

We did actually even see some seals on the shore, although we didn't manage to snap any photos of her with them. Peppermint wished she had her friends, Bubble and Pearl, from the Atlantis seal family with her! 

Peppermint posing with the Palliser Lighthouse before we climbed it. 

The view from the top was beautiful. Luckily for Peppermint, she rode up in my pocket and was spared the climb, much steeper than I thought. 

After, we rested on the beach for awhile.

These coastal flowers matched Peppermint's palette! 

She quickly posed for a photo in front of some beautiful wildflowers as we drove past (and thankfully didn't fall out the ute window). Peppermint had never seen colours like it.

Here she is in my pocket.

Waiting for Dad at the petrol station again.

On our way home, we stopped for lunch in the same spot. It was a beautiful clear day this time and Peppermint had her first glimpse of a mountain.

She had a little stretch of her legs before we carried on again, and this time our next stop was home sweet home.
I hope you've enjoyed Peppermint's little photo diary. Some of the photos are not very good quality because I was using my phone camera (which was very old) but I now have a new phone, which excitingly takes very good photos. I plan to do more Sylvanian photography using my phone now, which means I won't have to upload photos to my computer in order to blog. 

I can't believe it's nearing the end of the year already; I have so many post ideas I haven't created yet, but I hope to at least do something festive before Christmas.

I hope you're all having a lovely start to December. Best wishes, friends! 


  1. Hi Kelsie

    Peppermint has had a lovely adventure! Witnessing all the splendid scenery, traveling by car and by pocket, and posing by colourful blooms. It was funny seeing her sit on the car gear stick and the last photo was perfect.

    Thank you for sharing this photo diary. I wonder if Peppermint has the travel bug now!

    Take care and enjoy the festive season!

    1. Hi Jackson! Thanks very much, and I'd first of all like to wish you a happy 2025! I hope you had a lovely Christmas.

      She did have a lovely time indeed - and she felt quite lucky too considering she is one of many recent blind bag additions. (I tell myself it's silly to buy them considering the risk of double-ups but at the same time I can't resist the excitement!) She's hoping she'll be allowed on future travels, though I suspect now she'll have told her friends and I'll have a whole nursery of babies asking to come along!

      I'm glad you enjoyed this. Happy New Year!

  2. Hi Kelsie - Happy New Year!
    What a big adventure Peppermint went on with you! I bet she felt very lucky. You have some beautiful photos there.
    I am so sorry to hear about your lovely Bramble. I am glad your little Peppermint was able to help you a little during such a sad time. xx

    1. Hi GreyRabbit, and Happy New Year too! Thank you for your kind comment. Animals really get into your heart. I decided last minute to bring Peppermint on the trip as my 'comfort bunny' and I'm so glad I did.

      Peppermint has been asking me when our next adventure will be. Hmm, we shall have to see. Perhaps I'll make a habit of bringing her along, or I'll let another critter have a turn.

      I'm glad you enjoyed seeing our photos. I hope you're enjoying 2025 so far and that you had a lovely Christmas. <3

  3. Hi Kelsie,
    I´m sorry to hear about the loss of your pet bunny.
    Sylvanians can be comforting and therapeutic when going through a hard time.

    You did well in taking Peppermint with you on a trip and take some pictures of her.

    You say that the quality of your phone's camera is not good but your photos look very nice to me. Also, as I have told you on other occasions, I love photos of Sylvanians in real nature so I really enjoyed this photo diary.

    Looking forward to seeing more photos of your Sylvanians. It´s great you have a new phone.

    I hope that the new year will bring you time and motivation to write new stories and carry out the projects you have in mind both in the Sylvanian world and in the real one.

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Cutata; thank you for your kind words. It makes me glad that you enjoyed this photo diary and seeing what Peppermint got up to. I do particularly enjoy photographing my Sylvanians in nature, and I'm pleased you think the photo quality turned out ok!

      Thank you, I'm excited to post more and share what I've been working on. I also hope that you and everyone in Sweet Berry Valley has a great year and I look forward to catching up on your blog. :)
      Best wishes!
