Sunday 28 July 2024

Latest Purchases

 Hello dear friends! Just a short post today, but I wanted to share with you my recent new acquisitions. There was a sale last week at my only local store that stocks Sylvanians and when I went in to look and admire I gave into the temptations and bought some new figures! 

It's convenient buying and ordering online, but it's also nice to go into a store and look at all the sets and families in person before picking out the ones you want! Sometimes sets that I wouldn't usually have considered online catch my eye.

Firstly, I want to introduce the Seal family, Tasman, Marnie and babies Bubble and Pearl Atlantis. 

The Seals have only just been released here and I didn't actually plan to get them. I have to admit I thought the idea of seals was a little strange when I first heard of them, but when I saw them they were just too cute to resist! 

I love the little details of their outfits like the shell beds on their precious little sailor hats! And the fact that they made the babies extra soft and fuzzy.

While the Atlantis family don't exactly fit in with a woodland village they will go very well on my Seaside Cruiser boat. The belong on the water. 

Next are the Flora Rabbits. I've wanted them for awhile because I have a lop bunny as a pet and their sweet faces remind me of him. They seem like such gentle sorts.

I have named the parents Clover and Herb, and the babies Pansy, Peony and Pipkin.

I think Clover's dress is very sweet.

And finally, we have the Explorer Set.

These two were the initial reason I went shopping because I got the Latte Family a couple of months ago, and I'm very happy to now have them all reunited.

They're a very sweet family, don't you think? It was also necessary to complete the family because they play an important part in a project I've been working on for the last few months. I'm going to share it soon, but for now, I'll give you a hint. It involves this:

My other recent addition is the Baby's Toybox Set, which I got for my birthday. I also realised that my birthday marked 12 years since I got my first family, the Red Deer. Time has flown so fast and I think my younger self would be very happy to know that I still enjoy and collect Sylvanian Families. 

Anyway, that's all for now! I hope to write more about these families in the future as they find a spot of their own in my village. Do you have any new purchases or arrivals? I would love to hear. 

Wishing you all a happy week ahead! 


  1. Congratulations on your new critters! I too bought the seals and the explorer set a couple of weeks ago. Like you I wasn't sure about the seals but opted to get them anyway. I really like the names you've given them. Also like you, I completed my Latte cat family - I like the shape of their faces! I also bought the Latte cat with his mobile hamburger stand but I've not yet fully unboxed that - just the figure for a biography photo.

    I want to give them all a suitable story but it might take a while. Same goes for my lop eared bunnies. How great you have an actual lop bunny!

    We've had a hot and sunny week (about time - it's been a dull and wet summer thus far) but I note it was spitting with rain when I put the car away. Hopefully it is a brief blip and the nice weather will resume. My shanty crew are singing in a couple of festivals this month.

    Take care!

  2. Congratulations on all your new fuzzy friends! I do love the Latte cats, including the Explorer set, but sadly I do not have any of them yet. Maybe one day!

  3. Hi Kelsie!
    Congrats on your new acquisitions!
    I love them all!

    The seals didn't really catch my eye when I first saw them online until a few days ago when I saw them in person in a toy shop. They´re really cute!

    I usually buy online and have never been disappointed with a set but when I get the chance to see them in person the temptation to buy is even greater.
    That happened to me with the Flora Rabbits. I find them very sweet and adorable and they are at the top of my wish list. When I saw them in the toy store I liked them even more but the price was a bit expensive so I'm going to wait and see if I can find them cheaper online.
    Lucky you that your local toy shop had discounts! You've done well to take advantage of the reduced prices and treat yourself!

    I got the Latte cats on my birthday and I´d love to get the explorer set too. It´s a lovely family. It´s great that you have reunited all the family and have plans for them. Looking forward to seeing them soon.
    From the hint you've given us, I think they´re going to be the owners of the pizzeria. I can't wait to see your new project!

    It's great that after 12 years you are still enjoying your Sylvanians collection. I never thought I would keep this hobby going for so long. I've been collecting for 9 years now and I hope that my enthusiasm and motivation will last for a few more years.
    I hope that you too will continue to collect and write stories for many more years to come.

    Have a wonderful day!
