Saturday 10 November 2018

Welcome to Bluebell Oaks!

Welcome to my first post about Bluebell Oaks, my sylvanian village. I will start by telling you about the village. Bluebell Oaks is a small peaceful village situated in the heart of Bluebell Woods. It is named, as its name suggests, because of the carpet of bluebells that grow amongst the large oak trees in spring. Usually, in forests, trees are felled to make way for village buildings. But in this village, no trees were cut down-rather, the houses and shops of the village are nestled among the beautiful trees or on clearings. The first settlers believed it was better to adapt to living with the forest instead of destroying it. Here are a few photos of some very cute young villagers.


  1. Well done Kelsie, I would love to live in the village of Bluebell Oaks. It is such a lovely way to live, at one with nature, and so beautiful and peaceful, something we would all crave I am sure. Very proud of you. xx

    1. Thank you 'Pamela'! I have always wished I was a sylvanian too. Bluebell Oaks is a beautiful place and the villagers love their way of life.
