Thursday 14 May 2020

A New Home for the Buckleys-Part Two

At last, after 10 months of renovations and moving, the Buckley family are nicely settled in their new home! Today they would like to give you a tour! (if you want to read part one of the story, you can find it here)

It was Mrs Buckley who first came up with the name for the new house. When she suggested it to me, I was slightly hesitant, because it's quite a mouthful. But I think the name is fitting; it matches the pretty blue colour of the roof and ties in also with how the house was forgotten about for years.
So welcome to Forget-Me-Not Cottage!

"Hello there!" Heath was just having a game of soccer with the children but he will be happy to show you inside!

The Buckleys have cleaned up the old abandoned house alot since they bought it, and now it feels much more homely. "Please come in."

The first room you enter upon arrival is the living room. Meadow and Heath did the wallpapering themselves to save cost.

Here in the corner is a painting that Meadow bought when she was at the Summer Market a few months ago. She thought she would splash out a little because it would look perfect in their living room, and she wanted to help support the artist-a young rabbit she had never met before, by the name of Briar Wildwood.

Now that she is in her new home, Meadow finally has the kitchen she always wanted. It is so large and spacious compared to the one in their old house!

Originally, I was unsure about using this wallpaper in the kitchen. The rest of the house was already decorated in floral paper, and I didn't want to go too florally. But I actually really love this wallpaper; I think it blends so well with the house's colours and creamy paint.

Today Meadow is going to make a pavlova as a special treat for dessert. It is simple and inexpensive recipe, consisting of mainly egg whites and caster sugar, and whipped cream to serve, but it feeds her large family.

Here we have a downstairs view:

Straight upstairs, we find the bunk beds that the children, Maria and Freddy, share.
Their beds aren't usually this tidy, but their mother made them make them in preparation for the visit.
"People will be looking at our house," she told them, "I don't want them to think we live like wild animals!"

Across from the children's bunks is where Meadow and Heath sleep.

Meadow loves sleeping right by the balcony. She has always dreamed of living in a house with a balcony, and it was one of the features that attracted her to this house.

But of course, the main thing she loved was the nursery. In their old home, the babies were having to use the attic as a nursery. But now, they have a whole room to themselves.

Meadow decided the nursery walls were abit plain so she decided to try her hand at painting the pictures that were already carved on the walls to make them stand out more.

She is grateful for the nursery more than ever right now. That's because there has been an unexpected new addition to the family since they moved in. There she is, lying in her crib by her big sister Rose. She was supposed to be having her afternoon nap, but young Lavender Fern Buckley is proving to be a very uncooperative sleeper.

All Meadow's other five children were quite well-behaved and peaceful babies, but Lavender is something else entirely. Every since she was born, she's had that naughty glint in her eye that makes Meadow wonder what her youngest will be like in a few years. Something tells her she is going to be a handful-she already is!

Somehow though, she uses her cuteness to make up for all the long nights and stubborn behaviour she exhibits.
"Coo," she said innocently as her photo was taken.

At least having the nursery is a bit of a relief to Meadow. The babies can play happily by themselves for hours.

Oscar loves the blocks. He is going to build the biggest tower!

On the other side of the room is the shelf where Meadow likes to store all the baby things. Blankets, milk powder, toys, bottles-somehow the nursery never seems to be tidy!

Sometimes she likes to go out on the balcony to have some fresh air and enjoy the views of their somewhat still slightly overgrown garden.

Oscar loves his little balcony too.

An upstairs view:

Another benefit of Forget-Me-Not Cottage is its big garden. The children spend lots of time playing out there. Mr Buckley took the opportunity to start their own vegetable garden and he is loving teaching his children about growing, tending, and harvesting plants.
Heath kept a small garden as a boy but when he married Meadow and became a father other things took over in his life and he had little time to spare for hobbies. Just last week, though, they harvested their first pumpkin and Meadow made a delicious pumpkin pie following her friend Velvette Honeyfur's recipe, and the radishes look as though they are about ready. Heath believes it is never too late to rekindle green thumbs.
He thinks next Spring they will expand the veggie garden and perhaps he will even plant a few fruit trees too. He is sure Bob Blackberry will be able to offer him some advice.

Everyone smile!

Thanks for reading! 


  1. Hi Kelsie!

    What a lovely house- and I like the name too. The kitchen wallpaper is pretty, as is the rest of your decor. The external scenery complemented this well.

    I liked how you linked this story to Briar Wildwood's tale, and it was nice how you featured the uncooperative new addition to the family. It was also a nice touch how Meadow had tidied up the children's bedroom before the photo session. I'm reminded of the word scurryfunge!

    Stay safe.

    1. Hi Jackson and thank you very much!
      I'm glad that you like the scenery. I often have trouble with backdrops for large objects and scenes like houses, but I suppose this one didn't come out too bad!
      Hmm, yes, naughty Lavender is a real challenge! Meadow knows it won't be long before she is crawling, and then the trouble will really start!
      Scurryfunge! What a great word! I'd never heard of it, but I see now that you're right-it is the perfect description! I shall have to remember it and make use of it-plenty of it occurs in my own house too, haha!
      Hope that you too are safe and well! Have a great week! :)

  2. This is lovely, Kelsie! You have done a great job with the Buckley's house - it is very pretty and comfortable looking. Lavender does look very cute!

    1. Thank you so much GreyRabbit! Your compliments mean alot to me.
      I agree that Lavender is adorable! When I first opened her blind bag, I was a little disappointed because I already had the three other Buckley babies. But she fits right in with the family, and besides, she is too cute not to like!
      Have a great week!

  3. Hello Kelsie!
    A wonderful post, as always! I really enjoyed this tour of the Buckleys' new home. I love the name, I think it's perfect! The kitchen's wallpaper is indeed quite lovely. I love how you told us about the family and what they were doing as you did the house tour. :)
    Love that Meadow now has the balcony she had always wanted, and that even little Oscar has one!
    I adore the little vegetable garden. I love that set and it was one of the very first ones I wanted to have, but I haven't bought it yet, almost three years into collecting!

    I think the Buckleys will be very happy in their new home!

    I love little Lavender already! You know she's going to be trouble, hehehe.

    Have a great week!

    1. Hi Ayrell! Thank you for your lovely words! I'm so glad you enjoyed this tour!
      Haha, I'm happy you like the name! It is rather a mouthful, but I don't think anything else suits it!
      You're right; this house is like a win-win for everyone! I find the baby balcony adorable! (I still haven't figured out what that other gate in the nursery was for though? Thankfully Mr Buckley boarded it up, but I'd love to discover its purpose!)
      I would definitely recommend the veggie garden set-the vegetables are so cute and I love how you can take them out!
      Thank you, the Buckleys certainly love their new home! Lavender really looks like mischief, doesn't she? (;
      Hope you too have a lovely week!

  4. Hi Kelsie!

    You did a wonderful job furnishing and decorating the Buckley´s home!

    I love every single corner of it!

    The wallpaper is absolutely beautiful. The one in the kitchen matches so well with Meadow´s dress!

    I love how you painted the walls of the nursery. It looks much better this way and your choice of pastel colours is perfect for it.Waht a comfortable room for the babies. The little balcony is just the perfect size for them to enjoy the great views of the countryside.

    Spring is coming to Bluebell Oaks so I hope Mr Buckley is still keen on the idea of planting some fruit trees in the garden.

    I also like the name of the Cottage. You couldn´t have thought of a better name!

    I´m sure the Buckleys are very happy in their lovely and cozy home and they had already forgotten the ten months of hard work to renovate it.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Have a great day!

    1. Hello Cutata! Thank you for your kind words! It's a great compliment to me that you love the Buckley's home, as I always admire the way you decorate your own houses.
      I didn't even realise that the kitchen wallpaper was a perfect match for Meadow's dress until my mum pointed it out as well, haha! I'm quite pleased with it though, even if it was unintentional!
      I'm glad you liked the nursery walls. I wasn't sure about how they turned out, but I thought they were too plain without it!
      Spring is coming indeed! Mr Buckley is still keen, and he is going to talk to Bob Blackberry about it, as the village fruit expert. He thinks he would like some apple trees, citrus and possibly plum as well.
      Thank you again! Have a lovely day!
