Wednesday 30 January 2019

Ingrid and Yvette's Camping Trip

You might remember a few posts back that Yvette Blackberry returned home to Bluebell Oaks and was finally reunited with her family.
Yvette and her sister Ingrid are very outdoorsy girls and they crave adventure. So, while it is still warm and summery in Bluebell Oaks, they decided to go a camping adventure together on their ponies...

Early one morning, Ingrid and Yvette Blackberry woke and dressed quickly. After a quick brekkie, they headed out the door to catch their ponies. Today they were going camping, but instead of hiking they would be riding their ponies.

The horses were grazing at the far end of the field. Ingrid easily caught her pony, Blacksocks. He was actually the family cart horse, but he and Ingrid adored each other.

But Yvette's young filly, Primrose refused to be caught. Each time Yvette got near her, she skipped away!

Primrose only obliged once Yvette bribed her with a carrot.

She led her horse back to the fence, where Ingrid was already brushing Blacksocks down. The two girls groomed their ponies to perfection.

They combed their manes and tails.

And picked out their hooves.

Then they tacked up, putting on their saddles and bridles ready to ride. When that was finished, the sisters went back to the farmhouse to grab their bags. They had already packed them the night before. Ingrid was carrying the tent while Yvette was carrying most of the food and sleeping bags. Bob and Betty came down to wave their daughters goodbye.
"Stay safe girls, and have fun!"

So they set off, riding through the woodland. It was an idyllic setting. The birds were singing in the trees, the bees were humming dreamily among the wildflowers, and a light breeze lifted the horses manes and tails.

They reached the stream, and stopped to allow Blacksocks and Primrose to drink.

It was mid-afternoon when the girls rode into a grassy clearing. It was near the stream so was an ideal place to pitch camp.

The first thing they did was unsaddle the ponies and put them on their picket lines so they could graze down in the shadiest part of the clearing.

The next thing to do was put the tent up.
Yvette and Ingrid generally got on pretty well with each other, but if there was one thing that pulled a few threads loose, it was tent building.
"No, no! That pole goes there!" Ingrid called at one point.
"Well then where does this one go, if you're so smart? And why are you bossing me around anyway? I'm older than you!" Yvette shot back.

Eventually, after a rather 'heated discussion', as their mother would have said, the tent was up, although both sisters were feeling a little frazzled.
Yvette laid out the sleeping bags, while Ingrid unpacked the food and dishes.

It was late afternoon so they had a quick snack, of crackers before preparing dinner.

"Ingrid, could you fill the kettle, please?"

She went down to the stream to fill it. Ingrid knew that Yvette was a better cook than she was, so she didn't argue. Ingrid could cook if she had to, but the smell of burnt food often lingered whenever she was in the kitchen.

Yvette cooked up baked beans, garden peas and toasted the bread in the frying pan.

They sat and ate their dinner of baked beans on toast with garden peas and drank fresh water, cool from the stream.

The sisters sat and ate silently, feeling very content.
"Aren't we lucky, Ingrid? The woodland here is so beautiful and we're priviliged to be able to enjoy it." Ingrid nodded.
As it began to grow dark, Yvette boiled some water and made hot chocolates. Although it was summer, a hot chocolate was always nice when you were sitting in the woods gazing at the stars.

They left the dishes, ready to wash up in the morning, and headed to the tent.

As Ingrid and Yvette lay in their sleeping bags, they gazed out at the stars through the open tent flap. An owl hooted in the distance, and they could hear the horses grazing nearby. The night air was warm and still.

"It's such a beautiful night." Ingrid murmered.
"It's a beautiful world." Yvette agreed.
I apologise for the terrible photo quality in this story. For some reason my camera wasn't focusing properly. I'll never understand technology!
Yvette is right. It is a beautiful world that we should make the most of and live life to the fullest. I find sylvanians can be great role models as an example of what life could be like - they may lead simple lives, but they enjoy every moment of it, and have great values at heart of family, friends, and appreciating the natural world around them.


  1. Wow, just wow Kelsie. Thank you. I was right there with Yvette, Ingrid, BLacksocks and Primrose as they set out on their camping trip. I had a giggle when they were arguing as they erected their tent and the dinner was simple yet tasty and tummy filling. I presume BLacksocks and Primrose were tethered, or did they free range? Your description of Yvette and Ingrid's night under the stars no doubt comes from your own camping experience and your closing comments were beautiful. Yes we are so blessed to live in Such a beautiful country and to have the opportunities we have to make the very best of our lives. I didn't notice the photo quality, I was so absorbed in the story. I agree with your comments about the Sylvanian families. We should all strive to be like them.

    1. Thank you for your comment! Yes, tent-building is definetely an activity that weakens their relationship with each other!
      Blacksocks and Primrose were tethered on their picket lines (like long ropes) so they could graze but not run away.
      If we could live like Sylvanians do, life would be pretty close to perfect! Glad you liked the story, and glad you didn't notice the photo quality! Thanks again!

  2. Hi Kelsie!
    Adorable story and pictures! I think your photos look absolutely perfect.I think your camera focused perfectly, it´s just the light, it´s very bright but that helped you create the effect of a warm sunny day. The backdrops of the wildflowers you used are lovely too.I also love the river.It looks very realistic.
    Ivette´s and Ingrid´s ponies are so beautiful and I really enjoyed the pictures where they are taking care of them. I like both of them but my favourite is Blacksocks.
    I found Yvette´s and Ingrid´s dinner really cute and it was very funny the way they argued when setting up the tent.

    The last picture where they are gazing at the stars it´s great.
    I totally agree with you about sylvanians being great role models.They know how to appreciate the simple things in life.We should slow down from time to time and enjoy life as they do. We´ll be much happier.

    Thanks for such a wonderful story!
    Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thank you very much Cutata! I'm glad that you liked my photos and thought they were okay! The wildflower pictures are from an english calendar.
      The ponies are lovely, aren't they? Primrose was being a little bit naughty, but then she's just young.
      I made the baked beans and the peas for their dinner out of modeling dough, and the bread was from a breakfast set.
      Sylvanians really do know how to live a joyful life. Sometimes I think simplicity would be a good thing for us, we can just appreciate what we have.
      Thank you again! Your kind words have made my day!

  3. Kelsie, what a lovely story! I thought your photos were great. I wondered if you had made the food yourself - you did a great job!
    Regarding your closing comments, you are so right! I think that's one of the things that attracts some of us to Sylvanian Families - they work hard at jobs they love, but always put their families first; they are always ready to lend a paw to help their friends and neighbours; and they appreciate what they have. Role models indeed!

    1. Thank you for your comment GreyRabbit! I’m happy that you liked my photos!
      I was definitely attracted to their simple way of life when I started collecting them. And also they fact that they are super cute and the detail is amazing!
      Hope you have a great week!

  4. Hi Kelsie!

    What a lovely story, I really enjoyed it! I saw nothing wrong with the pictures, no worries!

    I loved how the sisters groomed and readied their horses before the trip, so realistic! And I had to laugh at them bickering when setting up the tent, it does sound really frustrating! :D
    Luckily they seem to have made up later, when enjoying their food and hot chocolate. So relaxing!
    I agree about Sylvanians being role models, love their simple, happy, peaceful lifes. They have their priorities straight. :)

    Thank you for a wonderful and enjoyable story!

    1. Thank you Ayrell! I'm gald you liked the photos and enjoyed the story!
      Ingrid and Yvette adore their ponies and they take extra good care of them (even when they, being Primrose, are naughty!)
      Ingrid and Yvette actually get on suprisingly well for sisters, apart from when it comes to tent erecting! You're right, by the time they were eating dinner, they were back to 'best friend' mode.
      Yes, I would love to live a simple life like a sylvanian, or even better, be a sylvanian!
      Have a great week!
